Liberty High

Select Activity
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
EB382-372 AP Testing/Class Fees Students will pay fees associated with AP classes 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Bowman,Bridgette N/A N/A N/A $98.00
EB382-VAR32 AP Testing/Class Fees Previous Years Variable Students will pay fees associated with AP classes 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High VARIABLE Bowman,Bridgette N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EB382-VAR7 Chromebook Fine See print out received from Mrs. Short. 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High VARIABLE Short,Allison N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EB382-414 Computer Science Honor Society Induction Fee The purpose of the Computer Science Honor Society organization is to encourage students’ enthusiasm for computer science, to honor academic excellence, and to promote service. Induction fee covers CSHS pin, honor cord, and induction ceremony costs. 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Ullrich,Kathleen N/A N/A N/A $25.00
EB382-416 French Club Honor Society Students will pay fees for the French Honor Society 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davis-helmers,Alecia N/A N/A N/A $15.00
EB382-415 French Club T-shirts Students will purchase a shirt for the French Club 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davis-helmers,Alecia N/A N/A N/A $10.00
EB382-373 Graduation Fee 2024-2025 Liberty Seniors will pay fees associated with graduation 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davenport,Ashleigh N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EB382-377 Liberty Parking Pass 2024-2025 Students will purchase pass to park on the school campus 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davenport,Ashleigh N/A N/A N/A $35.00
EB382-VAR8 Library Book Fine Please refer to print out received from Mrs. Short. 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High VARIABLE Short,Allison N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EB382-396 LMHS 2024-2025 Athletic Pass Students will pay for unlimited access to Liberty hosted games for the 2024-2025 school year 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED White,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EB382-397 LMHS 2024-2025 Athletic Pass Students will pay for unlimited access to Liberty hosted games for the 2024-2025 school year 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED White,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EB382-404 Physical Education Shirt Students will purchase PE shirt for class 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Don,Barrow N/A N/A N/A $12.00
EB382-405 Physical Education Short Students will pay for PE shorts for class 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Don,Barrow N/A N/A N/A $12.00
EB382-376 Physical Education Sweatpants students will purchase uniforms associated with P.E. 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Don,Barrow N/A N/A N/A $16.00
EB382-374 Physical Education Uniform students will purchase uniforms for their physical education class 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Don,Barrow N/A N/A N/A $24.00
EB382-398 Replacement ID Students will pay for a replacement ID and show proof of payment to the librarians 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Gyorgy,Lauren N/A N/A N/A $8.00
EB382-383 Robotics Class Fees Fee for the class 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Nguyen,Nam All N/A N/A $30.00
EB382-371 School Fee/Technology 2024-2025 Students will pay yearly fee 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davenport,Ashleigh N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EB382-413 School Fee/Technology Previous Fee Students will pay school fees from previous years 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Davenport,Ashleigh N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EB382-VAR31 Senior Fundraiser Opt-Out Payment Seniors who didn't participate in the Double Good Popcorn fundraiser or didn't reach the $250 goal, a $125 payment is needed for EXCLUSIVE senior gifts and extra activities. Note: Participation in fundraising was optional; however, the $125 contribution (or adjusted amount based on partial fundraising) is required for those who opted out or did not meet the fundraising goal to access exclusive senior benefits. 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High VARIABLE Thanni-irvin,Natishia N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EB382-411 Shrek the Musical Jr. Production Fee Students will pay fee associated with the production 0010b00002HJGgHAAX:Liberty High FIXED Rodriguez,Emily N/A N/A N/A $25.00
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